
Prayer for Vocations

O Lord our God, older than all creation, you have made us in your image and likeness.
You have given us the gift of the Holy Spirit through your servants who proclaim the good news of your Church all that is necessary for our sanctification. We humbly beg you, do not leave your people deprived of spiritual gifts, but grant us an abundance of vocations to your holy priesthood, the diaconate and consecrated life, and to lives dedicated to your service.
Open the hearts of men and women to hear your words,
"Come, follow me!"

Indeed, do not leave us orphans, but be with us through your Holy Spirit,
who is present everywhere and fills all things, and who raises up mere mortals to divine service by the mystery of his grace. Truly you will never forget your promise to be with us always,
until the end of the world, but forgive us if we have, in our weakness, failed to follow you as we should. For you alone are holy now and ever and forever.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous02:48

    Congratulations! Good to see a Hong Kong Catholic spending effort to promote vocations. I hope this sow the seeds for the young and able to rethink their path. Be courageous and step out of their comfort zone and serve the Lord. Life in vocation is not easy but everyone has a cross to carry. Looking forward to seeing more updates from this vocation site.

    God bless,
